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A specific parameter or set of parameters can be estimated by a pipeline. This function applies the pipeline to a synthetic epidemic with sawtooth incidence resulting from a stepped growth rate function. The lag between synthetic input and estimate is assessed by minimising the root mean square error of input and estimated based on different lag offsets.


quantify_lag(pipeline, ip = i_empirical_ip, lags = -10:30)



a function taking an input dataset and an infectivity profile as inputs and producing an estimate as output. This is the whole parametrised pipeline including any other inputs. This can be a purrr style function.


the infectivity profile.

A dataframe containing the following columns:

  • boot (anything + default(1)) - a bootstrap identifier

  • probability (proportion) - the probability of new event during this period.

  • a0 (double) - the beginning of the time period (in days)

  • a1 (double) - the end of the time period (in days)

Must be grouped by: boot (exactly).

A default value is defined.


a vector with the delays to test. Defaults to -10 to +30 days


a lag analysis dataframe containing the estimate type and the lag in days that the estimate is behind the actual observation


pipeline = ~ .x %>% poisson_locfit_model() %>% rt_from_incidence(ip = .y)
lag_analysis = quantify_lag(pipeline)

quantify_lag(~ rt_epiestim(.x,ip = .y))
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#> # Groups:   estimate [1]
#>   estimate   lag
#> * <chr>    <int>
#> 1 rt           8