The functions in huxtableone
will record the methods used for reporting in a
scientific paper. This is both for normality assumption tests and for
significance tests.
iris %>% describe_population(tidyselect::everything()) %>% get_footer_text()
#> mean_sd summary for Sepal.Length
#> mean_sd summary for Sepal.Width
#> median_iqr summary for Petal.Length
#> median_iqr summary for Petal.Width
#> subtype_count summary for Species
iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species) %>%
compare_population(tidyselect::everything()) %>% get_footer_text()
#> mean_sd summary for Sepal.Length
#> mean_sd summary for Sepal.Width
#> median_iqr summary for Petal.Length
#> median_iqr summary for Petal.Width
#> anova test on Sepal.Length
#> anova test on Sepal.Width
#> kruskal-wallis test on Petal.Length
#> kruskal-wallis test on Petal.Width