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Group data count and calculate proportions by column.


  numExpr = dplyr::n(),
  denomExpr = dplyr::n(),
  totalExpr = dplyr::n(),
  subgroupLevel = length(rowGroupVars),
  glue = list(`Count [%] (N={sprintf("%d",N)})` =
    "{sprintf(\"%d/%d [%1.1f%%]\", x, n, mean*100)}"),
  label_fn = label_extractor(df),
  font_size = getOption("huxtableone.font_size", 8),
  font = getOption("huxtableone.font", "Arial")



a dataframe of linelist items


the rows of the table. The last one of these is the denominator grouping


the column groupings of the table.


defines how the numerator is defined in the context of the column and row groups (e.g. dplyr::n())


defines how the numerator is defined in the context of the column and row (ungrouped one level)


defines how the column level total is defined


defines how the numerator grouping is defined in terms of the row groupings


a named list of column value specifications.


(optional) a function for mapping a co-variate column name to printable label. This is by default a no-operation and the output table will contain the dataframe column names as labels. A simple alternative would be some form of dplyr::case_when lookup, or a string function such as stringr::str_to_sentence. (N.b. this function must be vectorised). Any value provided here will be overridden by the options("huxtableone.labeller" = my_label_fn) which allows global setting of the labeller.


(optional) the font size for the table in points


(optional) the font family for the table (which will be matched to closest on your system)


a huxtable with the count and proportions of the rows groups


diamonds %>% count_table(dplyr::vars(cut,clarity), dplyr::vars(color), subgroupLevel = 1)
#>  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>                         D          E          F          G          H         
#>    cut        clarity   Count      Count      Count      Count      Count     
#>                         [%]        [%]        [%]        [%]        [%]       
#>                         (N=6775)   (N=9797)   (N=9542)   (N=11292   (N=8304)  
#>                                                          )                    
#>  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>    Fair       I1        4/163      9/224      35/312     53/314     52/303    
#>                         [2.5%]     [4.0%]     [11.2%]    [16.9%]    [17.2%]   
#>               SI2       56/163     78/224     89/312     80/314     91/303    
#>                         [34.4%]    [34.8%]    [28.5%]    [25.5%]    [30.0%]   
#>               SI1       58/163     65/224     83/312     69/314     75/303    
#>                         [35.6%]    [29.0%]    [26.6%]    [22.0%]    [24.8%]   
#>               VS2       25/163     42/224     53/312     45/314     41/303    
#>                         [15.3%]    [18.8%]    [17.0%]    [14.3%]    [13.5%]   
#>               VS1       5/163      14/224     33/312     45/314     32/303    
#>                         [3.1%]     [6.2%]     [10.6%]    [14.3%]    [10.6%]   
#>               VVS2      9/163      13/224     10/312     17/314     11/303    
#>                         [5.5%]     [5.8%]     [3.2%]     [5.4%]     [3.6%]    
#>               VVS1      3/163      3/224      5/312      3/314      1/303     
#>                         [1.8%]     [1.3%]     [1.6%]     [1.0%]     [0.3%]    
#>               IF        3/163      —          4/312      2/314      —         
#>                         [1.8%]                [1.3%]     [0.6%]               
#>  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>    Good       I1        8/662      23/933     19/909     19/871     14/702    
#>                         [1.2%]     [2.5%]     [2.1%]     [2.2%]     [2.0%]    
#>               SI2       223/662    202/933    201/909    163/871    158/702   
#>                         [33.7%]    [21.7%]    [22.1%]    [18.7%]    [22.5%]   
#>               SI1       237/662    355/933    273/909    207/871    235/702   
#>                         [35.8%]    [38.0%]    [30.0%]    [23.8%]    [33.5%]   
#>               VS2       104/662    160/933    184/909    192/871    138/702   
#>                         [15.7%]    [17.1%]    [20.2%]    [22.0%]    [19.7%]   
#>               VS1       43/662     89/933     132/909    152/871    77/702    
#>                         [6.5%]     [9.5%]     [14.5%]    [17.5%]    [11.0%]   
#>               VVS2      25/662     52/933     50/909     75/871     45/702    
#>                         [3.8%]     [5.6%]     [5.5%]     [8.6%]     [6.4%]    
#>               VVS1      13/662     43/933     35/909     41/871     31/702    
#>                         [2.0%]     [4.6%]     [3.9%]     [4.7%]     [4.4%]    
#>               IF        9/662      9/933      15/909     22/871     4/702     
#>                         [1.4%]     [1.0%]     [1.7%]     [2.5%]     [0.6%]    
#>  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>    Very       I1        5/1513     22/2400    13/2164    16/2299    12/1824   
#>    Good                 [0.3%]     [0.9%]     [0.6%]     [0.7%]     [0.7%]    
#>               SI2       314/1513   445/2400   343/2164   327/2299   343/1824  
#>                         [20.8%]    [18.5%]    [15.9%]    [14.2%]    [18.8%]   
#>               SI1       494/1513   626/2400   559/2164   474/2299   547/1824  
#>                         [32.7%]    [26.1%]    [25.8%]    [20.6%]    [30.0%]   
#>               VS2       309/1513   503/2400   466/2164   479/2299   376/1824  
#>                         [20.4%]    [21.0%]    [21.5%]    [20.8%]    [20.6%]   
#>               VS1       175/1513   293/2400   293/2164   432/2299   257/1824  
#>                         [11.6%]    [12.2%]    [13.5%]    [18.8%]    [14.1%]   
#>               VVS2      141/1513   298/2400   249/2164   302/2299   145/1824  
#>                         [9.3%]     [12.4%]    [11.5%]    [13.1%]    [7.9%]    
#>               VVS1      52/1513    170/2400   174/2164   190/2299   115/1824  
#>                         [3.4%]     [7.1%]     [8.0%]     [8.3%]     [6.3%]    
#>               IF        23/1513    43/2400    67/2164    79/2299    29/1824   
#>                         [1.5%]     [1.8%]     [3.1%]     [3.4%]     [1.6%]    
#>  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>    Premium    I1        12/1603    30/2337    34/2331    46/2924    46/2360   
#>                         [0.7%]     [1.3%]     [1.5%]     [1.6%]     [1.9%]    
#>               SI2       421/1603   519/2337   523/2331   492/2924   521/2360  
#>                         [26.3%]    [22.2%]    [22.4%]    [16.8%]    [22.1%]   
#>               SI1       556/1603   614/2337   608/2331   566/2924   655/2360  
#>                         [34.7%]    [26.3%]    [26.1%]    [19.4%]    [27.8%]   
#>               VS2       339/1603   629/2337   619/2331   721/2924   532/2360  
#>                         [21.1%]    [26.9%]    [26.6%]    [24.7%]    [22.5%]   
#>               VS1       131/1603   292/2337   290/2331   566/2924   336/2360  
#>                         [8.2%]     [12.5%]    [12.4%]    [19.4%]    [14.2%]   
#>               VVS2      94/1603    121/2337   146/2331   275/2924   118/2360  
#>                         [5.9%]     [5.2%]     [6.3%]     [9.4%]     [5.0%]    
#>               VVS1      40/1603    105/2337   80/2331    171/2924   112/2360  
#>                         [2.5%]     [4.5%]     [3.4%]     [5.8%]     [4.7%]    
#>               IF        10/1603    27/2337    31/2331    87/2924    40/2360   
#>                         [0.6%]     [1.2%]     [1.3%]     [3.0%]     [1.7%]    
#>  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>    Ideal      I1        13/2834    18/3903    42/3826    16/4884    38/3115   
#>                         [0.5%]     [0.5%]     [1.1%]     [0.3%]     [1.2%]    
#>               SI2       356/2834   469/3903   453/3826   486/4884   450/3115  
#>                         [12.6%]    [12.0%]    [11.8%]    [10.0%]    [14.4%]   
#>               SI1       738/2834   766/3903   608/3826   660/4884   763/3115  
#>                         [26.0%]    [19.6%]    [15.9%]    [13.5%]    [24.5%]   
#>               VS2       920/2834   1136/390   879/3826   910/4884   556/3115  
#>                         [32.5%]    3          [23.0%]    [18.6%]    [17.8%]   
#>                                    [29.1%]                                    
#>               VS1       351/2834   593/3903   616/3826   953/4884   467/3115  
#>                         [12.4%]    [15.2%]    [16.1%]    [19.5%]    [15.0%]   
#>               VVS2      284/2834   507/3903   520/3826   774/4884   289/3115  
#>                         [10.0%]    [13.0%]    [13.6%]    [15.8%]    [9.3%]    
#>               VVS1      144/2834   335/3903   440/3826   594/4884   326/3115  
#>                         [5.1%]     [8.6%]     [11.5%]    [12.2%]    [10.5%]   
#>               IF        28/2834    79/3903    268/3826   491/4884   226/3115  
#>                         [1.0%]     [2.0%]     [7.0%]     [10.1%]    [7.3%]    
#>  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Column names: cut, clarity, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
#> 7/9 columns shown.